
What Every Business Needs To Know About Email Security

What Every Business Needs To Know About Email Security

28th June 2023

With email being the most commonly leveraged channel of communication, email security is essential to protect businesses from data breaches, loss, and compromise. Nowadays, email and work go hand in hand. Most businesses use email daily to communicate internally between colleagues, as well as externally with customers, suppliers, and shareholders. According to recent data for 2023, the average number of emails sent and received worldwide per day is 347.3 billion. This has increased by 4.3% compared to the previous year.…

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Disaster Recovery

The importance of data backup and disaster recovery planning

25th May 2023

In an age where a lot of business operations are conducted digitally, it has never been more important to have a backup and disaster recovery plan. Why is it so important? Read on to find out. What is a data backup? Backing up your files and data means having copies in more than one location, other than just locally on your device, such as in the cloud or on an external hard drive. What is a disaster recovery plan? Having…

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automatied IT

The benefits of automating IT processes

24th April 2023

More and more businesses are adopting automated IT processes, and it is clear to see why. Automating IT processes can increase productivity, reduce the risk of errors, and free up time, resources, and personnel. Here we explain what IT process automation is and tell you some of the many benefits that automating IT processes can have on your business. What are IT processes? IT processes are the tasks and activities carried out by an IT department to manage and support…

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IT Support

5 Common IT Support Issues And How To Solve Them

29th March 2023

Effective IT support is essential to the smooth running of a business and its daily operations. Technical problems and a lack of IT support or knowledge can be detrimental to an organisation, and can ultimately result in a loss of productivity and income. Here we cover five common IT support issues and how to solve them. Poor computer performance If computer performance is poor or slow, it will reduce productivity and can frustrate members of staff that use the computers.…

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cyber security

Top Cyber Security Tips To Share With Employees

10th March 2023

Cyber security is how individuals and organisations reduce the risk of cyber attacks. Its core function is to protect the devices we use and the services we access, at work and online, from cyber attacks. Cyber attacks are usually carried out to access, change, or destroy sensitive information, to extort money from users or organisations, or to interrupt normal business processes. Implementing effective cybersecurity measures has become particularly challenging as attackers are becoming more innovative, and there are more devices…

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5-step plan to prepare your business for a cyber attack

5-step plan to prepare your business for a cyber attack

29th January 2023

In 2022, there were 4783 cybercrime victims per million internet users in the UK. This is the highest recorded number in the world, and is an increase of 40% compared to 2020. So, with cybercrime on the rise, it is no surprise that more and more businesses and individuals are taking precautions to prepare and protect themselves from a cyber attack. You do not have to be a prominent business or famous person to fall victim to cyber attackers. As…

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ways you can get hacked

6 Ways You Can Get Hacked That You Need To Be Aware Of

29th December 2022

Businesses of all sizes and industries are at risk of being hacked. Hackers use various tactics to gain access to sensitive information and disrupt business operations. Here are a few common ways that businesses can get hacked and how you can prevent it from happening to you. Phishing scams Hackers often use phishing emails to trick employees into revealing important login credentials or other sensitive information. These emails can appear legitimate, with logos and branding that mimic well-known companies. Employees…

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A business guide to phishing

A Business Guide To Phishing

28th November 2022

You’ve most likely heard of the term phishing in relation to digital crime. This particular type of cybercrime is rife in the UK. And it targets many different businesses – regardless of their size, industry, or sector. Here we will dive into some important questions related to phishing and how businesses can effectively protect themselves. What is phishing? In a nutshell, phishing is when a cyber criminal persuades a user to take an action that unwittingly gives them access to…

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KPIs you should be measuring to ensure your IT is providing ROI

KPIs you should be measuring to ensure your IT is providing ROI

30th October 2022

Return on investment (ROI) is an omnipresent subject matter in the business world, and rightly so. Businesses with a strong grip on expenditure are more likely to be able to traverse the rough seas of both periods of growth and recession. However, when it comes to tracking the performance of your IT provider, many people are at a loss as to what they should keep track of. Here are some of our best tips to help you move forwards. 1…

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Common IT problems

Common IT problems businesses may face

30th September 2022

Even businesses with the best computer-savvy employees will face IT-related headaches from time to time. This is why it is essential to partner up with an experienced IT professional. Here are some common roadblocks that businesses encounter and how IT support can help you head them off. Network security Poor or non-existent network security is more common than you may think. Hackers are given a free ride when network security is treated as an afterthought, and you must be proactive…

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IT Support

ECL recognises that every client is different, and every client has a different IT support requirement. Whatever the size of your business, we can offer a support scenario to suit your needs.

Cloud Services

Whether your business already uses Cloud services or you’re considering the Cloud as a possible way forward, talk to us first. We can provide anything from fully hosted IT infrastructures on our own ECL Private Cloud, to simple on-line backups. We can also give expert advice on Office 365 and other Cloud platforms.

Disaster Recovery

How would losing access to your IT systems and data for days, or even weeks, affect your business? For many if not most companies this would be a nightmare scenario, with potentially very serious consequences.

Office 365

Cloud services could potentially lower your overall costs and gives your employees all the tools they need alongside the correct layers of security and compliance.

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